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Saturday, October 18, 2008 

Friday Food Porn

Several of the other barbecue blogs I read have been posting a friday picture of whatever foodee goodness they're whipping up. I thought I'd tag along. Friday's dinner is one of my favorites to cook. This is probably because it's Friday and that is a thing worth celebrating, but also because I feel as though I've got more time to play with my food.

On the left: Veggie Hobo Pack
On the right: Grass-Fed Rib-Eyes

Last night's dinner (I posted this on Saturday afternoon) consisted of grass-fed Rib Eye steaks from North Hollow Farm (two valleys over from where we live) and a hobo pack mixture of new potatoes, leeks, garlic, carrots and onions. All of the veggies came from the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share we got from Four Springs Farm this season. It makes me extremely happy to be able to cook foods that were raised or grown less than twenty miles from where I live. Buying local is an important part of how we choose to live. And let me tell you - local foods just taste better!



Do you cook the grass fed beef differently than regular supermarket corn finished beef?

I hear you on buying local. A while ago, I switched brands of milk after reading the label and realizing that the milk in question was coming from Colorado. It was nothing against Colorado and I'm sure they have wonderful cows there. But I live in Vermont and if there's one thing we have here, it's dairy cows.

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